Monthly Newsletter
July 2009
1) Sri Lanka to set up diamond trading house, a BOI approved project.
Approval has been granted for a diamond trading house to be set up in Sri Lanka.
The investment agreement that was facilitated by the BOI is worth US$1.6 million. The foreign investors, Nakshatra Overseas (Private Ltd). The facility when established will import un-cut diamonds, cut and polished diamonds as well as other precious stones for re-export.
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2) Reminder-Launching of state of the art news website. We have launched a new news website located in the sub domain news. internet stones. com
View our news website
3)Visit our Jewelry Blog for current trends in the jewellery industry
In our blog you will be able to pass comments and interact with the audience.
Our up to date articles are available free of charge to everyone. These articles are also categorized into many categories.
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4) Inauguration of the International Diamond Board
The formation of the new diamond promoting organization “The International Diamond Board” has been announced. According to JCK online this was made public by a press release distribution by the mining group “Rio Tinto”.
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5) Facebook, Twitter and Google Login and other advanced technical API applications available on Internet Stones.COM News Media.
Our engineers and programmers have been working very hard lately to keep in touch with the latest trends.
You can now login to our News section via your Facebook/Twitter Username and password to pass comments. This can also be a great way to promote your business.
Google friend connect is now available on our website. Google friend connect enables you to login via Google, Yahoo and even Open Id,then invite your friends.
Our News Website
6)Advertisers/Sponsors Needed.
Internet Stones.COM is now 3 years old. The road has been very long. We want to be a pure unbiased informational internet based media website for the gemstone and jewelery industry worldwide.
We are pleased to inform you that our website has been well received by our visitors, who spend a lot of time on our site reading our interesting articles. Our traffic has touched around 4,000,000 hits or over 500,000 unique visitors per annum making about 1.3 million pageviews per annum, mainly from United States, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, Germany, France and other European countries, and Japan. The United States alone accounts for about 30% of our visitors. According to Alexa.COM- An Amazon Company Internet Stone.COM is among the top 0.3% of the most visited websites in the world.
We are now suffering from "growing pains". We have the pay to upgrade our servers to accommodate increasing bandwidth, pay for professionally outsourced work, maintenance of two servers, the list goes on and on. We are now welcoming interested advertisers/sponsors to advertise on our website to highly targeted visitors. Please contact us for more details.
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7)More Media Mentions of Internet Stones.COM
Internet Stones. COM has been quoted by the following media firms:
i) Bloomberg- is one of the biggest media firms in USA
ii)Rediff- is the most popular Indian based website and the 8th most visited website in India (According to Alexa. COM- A Amazon owned company).
iii) SiDE 2- is the most popular TV station in Norway.
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Best Regards
Dr Shihaan M Larif