(1) United States of America-Tourmaline. |
| State | Gemstone |
1 | Alabama | Blue Star Quartz |
2 | Alaska | Nephrite Jade |
3 | Arizona | Turquoise |
4 | Arkansas | Diamond |
5 | California | Benitoite |
6 | Colorado | Aquamarine |
7 | Connecticut | Garnet |
8 | Florida | Moonstone |
9 | Georgia | Quartz |
10 | Hawaii | Black Coral |
11 | Idaho | Star Garnet |
12 | Illinois | Fluorite |
13 | Kentucky | Fortification Agate |
14 | Louisiana | Agate |
15 | Maine | Tourmaline |
16 | Minnesota | Lake Superior Agate |
17 | Montana | Sapphire |
18 | Nebraska | Blue Agate |
19 | Nevada | Turquoise & Black Fire Opal |
20 | New Hampshire | Smokey Quartz |
21 | New Mexico | Turquoise |
22 | New York | Garnet, Black Button Tourmaline, Moonstone |
23 | North Carolina | Emerald |
24 | Ohio | Ohio Flint |
25 | Oregon | Sunstone |
26 | South Carolina | Amethyst |
27 | South Dakota | Fairburn Agate |
28 | Tennessee | Tennessee Pearl |
29 | Texas | Blue Topaz |
30 | Utah | Topaz |
31 | Wisconsin | Ruby |
32 | Wyoming | Nephrite Jade |
(2) Sri Lanka-Blue Sapphire |
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