In part II, I will cover four instruments dichroscope, chelsea color filter and polarascope. Click here to go back to Part 1 4)Dichroscope Transparent gemstones may be tested using a dichroscope. A dichroscope is a portable pocked instrument used by gemologists. It is very useful especially in the feild. Dichroscopes can be used for both rough and […]
Monthly Archives: December 2021
I have put this topic under ‘Guide to Buying Diamonds & Jewelry’, for buyers that are curious to know what happens behind the scene in a gemological laboratory. Diamond and jewelry buyers can also learn about the commonly used tools by jewelers and dealers. Please do not confuse gemmological instruments with tools and accessories used in gemmology […]
One should be careful when using the term ‘diamond cut’ as gemmologists use this term to refer to the proportions of the diamond such as width, depth and symmetry of the facets. In other words it refers to the quality of the ‘cutting & polishing’ of the diamond which is covered in my article Cut of […]
1) Sealed Diamond Reports Many laboratories these days provide a diamond sealing service after the diamond is tested. A sealed diamond report by the International Gemological Institute (IGI). Usually upon request the stone is sealed together with a reduced copy of the diamond report. This assures the consumers, diamond dealers, jewelers and other professionals in […]
Dr Shihaan Larif Part 1 A diamond grading certificate is defined as a document which proves that some of the physical properties of the diamond has been tested by professionals in an independent laboratory. Nowadays most individuals who shop for diamonds ask for diamond certificates before buying the stone. This is a very good trend […]
In this section I will cover the answers to frequently asked questions asked by our clients, before they buy diamond jewelry. 1) Is it important to learn, educate yourself and ask questions about diamonds before you buy? Try to learn as much as you can about diamonds before buying. It is important to learn about […]
The term clarity of a diamond refers to the size and the number of inclusions in the diamond. The inclusions are also referred to as inperfections of the diamond. Tiny inperfections occur in almost all natural diamonds. These flaws are present due to the incredible amount of pressure during the formation of the diamond billions […]
Introduction to Colored Diamonds and Color Grading of Diamonds The color grading of diamonds is one of the important 4 c’s that forms the basic foundation for diamond grading and evaluation. Here, when we talk of diamond color grading we are referring to the color grading of white and yellow diamonds and not color grading […]
The 4c’s which describes the physical properties or characteristics of a diamond and therefore its value are carat weight, cut, clarity and color. Understanding the 4c’s forms the basic foundation for diamond grading and evaluation. The most valuable diamond is the diamond that possess the best measurement in all the important parameters, which include carat […]
The cut of a diamond is probably the most important ofthe 4 C’s. It is also the only one of the 4c’s that can be influenced by man. The other 3c’s, color, clarity and carat are determined by nature. The cut of the diamond gives it its brilliance and fire. The best cut allows the […]