Our state of the art marketplace is equipped with the most advanced features. Features you would never get anywhere in the gemstone and jewelry industries (eg. UNLIMITED PRODUCTS & Free customized store parameters like ring size, grading etc). That too for FREE!
- Customer-Vendor Live Chat
- Support Ticket
- Store Invoice, Commission Invoice & Packing Slip
- Shipment Tracking
- Vendor Verification
- Following – Followers
- Vendor Badges
- Vacation Mode
- Product CSV Import
- Bulk Stock Manager
- Quick edit & Bulk edit
- Featured & Duplicate Product
- Product custom fields
- Product fields validation
- Product Limit & Allowed Category capability
- Custom product fields
- Custom taxonomies
- Additional profile fields
- Advanced settings fields
- Product type wise field group visibility controller
- Store wise invoice to customer
- Order PDF invoice download (Admin & Vendor)
- PDF packing slip download
- Shipment Tracking
- Mark order as Shipped (by Vendor)
- Order status update
- Filter orders by date and commission status
- Order Note manage
- Orders export as PDF, Excel and print
- Product auctions
- Product wholesale via tiered pricing
- Advanced analytics for store vendors
- Special App for store vendors
- Regular app for buyers
- Vendor order automatic text messaging. (In case data is off in the phone- However APP preferred)
- Customer order and notification automatic text messaging. (In case data is off in the phone- However APP preferred)
- Store vendors can add managers and staff with advanced capability controllers.
- Composite products
- Group buying
- Forced sells
- Chained products
- Store affiliates
- discount for referrals
- automated free backups
- unlimited products free
- Multi continental (region) cloud backup and failover (you are sure our website would always be online).
- Secure escrow.com checkout
- Dispute resolution and insurance as managed by escrow.com (USA)
- Fully PCI compliant.
- Behind the scene artificial intelligent and machine learning fraud protection.
- Social media integration
- Dedicated store page where followers can join your store.
- You pay only when you make a sale!
- 5% commission for maintaining our marketplace, 10% commission for avertising your products in google, facebook etc. Total commission 15%.