Dedicated WebPage for an Up-to-date Table on Famous Blue Diamonds

Our website has an extensive resource database on the history of the diamond trade, that also includes well written articles on the history of the famous diamonds in the world. More than 200 famous diamonds have been treated extensively under this section and are listed in alphabetical order on two webpages titled Famous Diamonds, Gemstones and Pearls. A third webpage listing additional famous diamonds have been created, and given the title “More Famous Diamonds”

In some of our famous diamond pages we have also incorporated tabulated information pertaining to other famous diamonds of the type of diamond under consideration, eg. when writing about a famous blue diamond, a table incorporating all other famous blue diamonds is also included, that gives the overall position of the blue diamond under consideration on this table. The table also includes a wealth of information such as the carat weight of the diamond, the shape/cut of the diamond, the color grade/clarity of the diamond, the country/period of origin of the diamond and price realized at auction or value when last sold.

In this webpage we are publishing a table of known famous blue diamonds arranged in descending order of carat weights. The table would be updated as the existence of more significant blue diamonds come to light.

List of known famous blue diamonds arranged in descending order of carat weights

Last updated by Lareef A. Samad on Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

S/NNamePrice realized at Auction/Value when last soldCountry/Period of OriginCarat weightCut/ShapeColor/Clarity
1Unnamed cushion-cut blue diamondCut from a 704.56-carat rough diamond Valued between $45-50 mill. 261.00Cushion-cutfancy blue
2Unnamed brilliant  51.84Round-brilliantfancy blue
3Copenhagen Blue diamondNamed in honor of an exhibition in Copenhagen in 1960Jagersfontein Mine, South Africaa45.85Emerald-cutfancy blue
4Hope diamondOver $300,000 in 1911. Current estimate $200-$250 mill.Golconda, India 1663-6845.52Antique-cushion brilliantfancy dark grayish- blue/VS1
5Tereschenko$4.6 mill. Christie’s Genv. sale Nov.1984Golconda, India42.92Pear-shapedfancy blue
6Graff Imperial Blue Guinea39.81Pear-shapedfancy light blue/IF
7Crown of CharlemagneLast sold by Harry Winston in 1967 37.05Old-European cutfancy light blue
8Wittelsbach-Graff$24.3 mill.Gloconda, India35.56 /31.06Cushion-shapedfancy deep blue/IF
9Sultan of Morocco$250,000 in 1972, Private saleGolconda,India35.27Cushion-cutfancy grayish blue
10Cornflower Blue diamond-1Sold by Harry Winston in 1969, later re-purchased and sold to a Middle eastern client in 1971.Premier Mine, S.A.31.93Pear-shapedfancy blue
11The Blue Heart or Eugenie Blue$300,000 in 1953. Sale by Van Cleef & Arpels after change of settingPremier Mine, S.A.30.82Heart-shapedfancy vivid blue
12Blue Lili Premier Mine, S.A.30.06Tapered cushion-cutfancy intense blue
13The Heart of Eternity Premier Mine, S.A.27.64Heart-shapedfancy vivid blue/VS2
14Transvaal Blue Premier Mine, S.A.25.00Pear-shapedfancy blue
15Sam Abram Fancy Blue diamond$9.9 mill. Soth.NY. Oct 1994Premier Mine, S.A.20.17Emerald-cutfancy vivid blue/VS2
16Graff Blue Ice Diamond Premier Mine, S.A.20.02 Pear-shapedfancy deep blue
17Oppenheimer Blue DiamondUS$57.5 million, Christie’s Geneva, May 2016 Premier/Cullinan Mine14.62Rectangular Emerald-cutfancy vivid blue/VVS1
18The Blue Empress Premier Mine, S.A.14.00Pear-shapedfancy blue
19The Begum Blue$7.75 mill. Christie’s Geneva. November 1994Premier Mine, S.A.13.78Heart-shapedfancy deep blue
20Brunswick Blue-1Previously believed to have been cut from the French Blue diamondPart of the Duke of Brunswick collection of jewels sold in 1874Golconda, India13.75Pear-shapedfancy blue
21Cut-cornered rectangular mixed-cut blue diamond$8.87millionChristie’s Geneva, May 2008Premier Mine, S.A.13.39Cut-cornered rectangular mixed-cutfancy intense blue
22Marquise-cut fancy blue diamond$7.6 million Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2011Premier Mine, S.A.13.39 Marquise-cutfancy blue/VVS2
23Winston Blue DiamondUS$23.8 million, Christie’s Geneva, May 2014Premier/Cullinan Mine, S.A.13.22Pear-shapedFancy vivid blue/FL
24Cornflower Blue diamond-2Set in a ring and sold by Harry Winston in 1969Premier Mine, S.A.12.39 Round brilliantfancy blue
25Blue Moon of Josephine DiamondUS$48.4 million, Sotheby’s Geneva, Nov. 2015Premier/Cullinan Mine, S.A.12.03Cushion-cutfancy vivid blue/FL
26The Blue Magic Premier Mine, S.A.12.02Modified pear-shapedfancy vivid blue/VVS2
27Bulgari Blue$15.7 mill. Christ.NY Oct.2010Premier Mine, S.A.10.95Triangular-shapedfancy vivid blue
28Sotheby’s Geneva, Nov 2012$10.8 mill. 10.48Briolettefancy deep blue
29Zoe DiamondUS$32.645 mill. Sotheby’s New York, Nov. 2014Premier/Cullinan Mine, S.A.9.75Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue/VVS2
30Christie’s N.Y. April 2007$2..4 million 9.39Cushion-cutfancy grayish blue
31Sotheby’s HK. Oct. 2009$5.7 mill.Soth.HK.Premier Mine, S.A.8.74Emerald-cutfancy intense blue/VVS1
32Sotheby’s HK. April 2012$12.7 mill. 8.01Emerald-cutfancy vivid blue
33Christie’ Geneva, Dec.1999$3.2 millionPremier Mine, S.A.7.96Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue/VS1
34Soth. Geneva May 2010$8.03 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.7.64Cushion-cutfancy intense blue/VVS2
35Premier Blue DiamondAuction coming up on October 7, 2013Premier Mine, S.A.7.59Round brilliant-cutfancy vivid blue
36Christie’s Hong Kong. April 2002$2.6 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.7.15Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue
37Petra Blue/Star of Josephine$9.5 mill. Soth. Geneva. May 2009Premier / Cullinan/Petra Mine.S.A.7.03Cushion-cutfancy vivid blue/IF
38Brunswick Blue-2Part of the Duke of Brunswick collection of jewels sold in 1874Premier Mine, S.A,6.50Pear-shapedfancy blue
39Christie’s New York$3.6 millPremier Mine, S.A.6.29Pear-shapedfancy intense blue
40Graff Blue diamond Premier Mine, S.A.6.19Pear-shapedfancy intense blue
41Moussaieff Jewelers unnamed blue diamond$7.98 mill Sotheby’s HK, Oct.2007Premier Mine, S.A.6.04Emerald-cutfancy vivid blue
42Sotheby’s HK, Oct.2011$10.1 mill. Soth.HK.Premier Mine, S.A. .6.01Emerald-cutfancy vivid blue
43Sotheby’s Geneva, Nov.2009$7.5 millPremier Mine, S.A. .5.96Pear-shaped modified brilliantfancy vivid blue
44Christie’s Geneva, Dec.1999$1.13 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.5.80Pear-shapedfancy intense blue/IF
45Marie Antoinette Blue diamondSet in a ring said to have belonged to Marie Antoinette. Last offered for sale in1983 but not soldGolconda,India5.46Heart-shapedfancy grayish-blue
46De Beers Millennium Blue, Jewel II- Apr.2010 Sotheby’s HK$6.4 mill. Soth.HK.Premier Mine, S.A.5.16Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue/IF
47toi et moi ring – Soth. Geneva May 2010$6.32 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.5.025.42Pear-shapedPear-shapedfancy vivid blueD-color
48Christie’s Geneva, Dec.1999$1.24 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.4.77Circular-cutfancy deep blue/VS2
49Soth. Geneva. Nov,2007$4.7 millPremier Mine, S.A.4.16Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue/
50Bulgari Blue$2.97 mill. Bonhams Lond. 2011Premier Mine, S.A.3.78Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue
51Soth. Geneva May 2008$4.96 millPremier Mine, S.A.3.73Pear-shapedfancy vivid blue
52Aleks Paul of Essex Global Trading$3.6 mill Christie’s NY Apr. 2011Premier Mine, S.A.3.25Square Emerald cutfancy vivid blue/IF
53Christie’s NY Oct.2011$2.7millPremier Mine, S.A.3.21Modified Pear-shapefancy vivid blue
54Sotheby’s NY. Apr. 2011$3.27 millPremier Mine, S.A.3.18Marquise-cutfancy vivid blue/IF
55Sotheby’s Geneva, Nov. 2009$2.5 mill.Premier Mine, S.A.3.17Brilliant-cutfancy intense blue /IF


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